Registering and setting up a domain address on GoDaddy | TechsBlogger

In this topic you will learn
  • What is domain Address
  • Where to get domain Address
  • How to get domain Address from GoDaddy
Let's talk about domain Address that is very necessary to understand that what is it.

What is domain Address ?

Domain name is the essential part of your website. Without a domain name your website is nothing. Actually this is the address of your site. with the help of this any human can access your site. Without domain your site just online a group of code but nothing.
Basically a domain name has three parts
  1. www indicates that this is the domain Address.
  2. yourname that shows your brand name or company name
  3. .com the domain suffix
domain suffix is not only in .com . It has in many others like .xyz .net .org .info etc

Registering domain Address on GoDaddy

Go daddy is one of the domain registerar where we can register domains. It provides good price of domain.
First of all go to  
Search for domain name which you want to buy. It is necessary that which domain you want to buy must b available. Otherwise you can not buy it.
If domain will available , you will see notification that domain is available then choose and then continue to cart.
on next step enter your details like email etc. Choose payment method and proceed to checkout and pay. Now you are ready to use your domain now.
Hope this topic help you a lot to buying a domain.


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    1. Thank you sir. Keep in touch with us. 😊

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